I’ve marked Mutsubishi off my HDTV list. I got a chance to see a 65″ DLP from their Diamond series and the way it handled motion, well, I could get my kids GameBoy Advance to do better.
You see, my theory in HDTVs is that the engines are all pretty much the same. It’s LCD projection, CRT projection, DLP, LCoS/SXRD, LCD and plasma. The engines don’t differ much in each type (in fact, TI makes the only DLP engine – the advantange of creating your own technology). The kicker is how good the electronics that FEED the engine are.
The issue is the issue of resolution. A 1080i/p TV’s resolution is 1920×1080. Standard display is about 1/4th that, so the TV has to scale the 1/4 size picture up to full screen resolution size. The disappointing thing about the Mitsu was that even with 1080i input, the jagged lines were visible. Not a good thing.
The search continues.
Consumer Reports (March 2007 edition) rated HDTV units. The article is fairly extensive and may offer you some good information.
This came across the feeds this morning.