You know how you just wake up and know the day is going to be bad because you don’t sleep well and still ache somewhere? How you drag yourself out of bed and mope to the can and wonder why you’re getting up today? Yeah, me too. For about 2 months now.
Yesterday, I woke up and something was different. I didn’t feel different, look different (despite my ever growing belly), and yet, things that would have set me off just… didn’t. I tooled along in a positive mood, gave a huge hug to my lovely wife on stage and did sound that turned out ok for the 12 people on stage.
The USA winning the 1st round BBall game against China wasn’t a hoop and holler – even though it was a good win. I guess it came to me last night watching the swimming finals in glorious HD… The olympic atheletes push themselves for pride in their country. The same pride I have. I push myself to the fridge for a snack and a beer. Not quite as inspiring.
I see them overcome obstacles and while, I do it from day to day in a more personal way, I’m astounded at thier level of fitness and competitiveness.
In short, I’m getting off my lazy butt. I’ve been inspired by the celebration of overcoming an obstacle. Granted, the US Men’s Relay Team got to do so against the FRENCH – which is oh so good – so I’m using that same spirit to overcome my laziness. So…
Watch our Louisiana – because France is too freakin far away…