Back in 1980-something, I “walked the aisle” at a Billy Graham concert. It started my Christian walk. Through the years, I, like many, struggle with day-to-day issues, yet, I’ve held to my faith, for the most part, in my life. Oh, and I use commas.  A lot.
Now, I’m 35, have 3 kids, and have been married for 14 years. I have a seemingly good life, a wonderful wife, good kids, even a good dog. Yet it’s all a front. I struggle daily with being in the world and not of the world. I’ve wandered and wander spiritually and despite my fleshly intentions, I lead a blessed life. Mostly due to the prayer of my wife and close friends, I think. Now, I have finally happened upon a tool that finally makes a load of sense: Scott Burk (of Scott’s Coffee House) got me on these, and I’m using my BBerry for something useful … podcasts. Sheli and I listnen to them in the car – BBerry on the dash, blaring the words on Dr. James MacDonald… and finally – I heard something that made sense to me last night. On the last part of “I Choose the Bible as God’s Word – C”, James laid out a plan for moving personal Bible study from an obligation to a passion – sending 30 minutes a day in the word – not just reading – but taking notes, making conclusions, letting the Spirit reveal things.
So, here starts the first 30 days – Discipline. After that, the next 30 days – Desire. Then finally, we get to Delight. How awesome would it be to really delight in God’s Word? What would change in my life?  What would change around me?  I intend to find out.