This is probably my first non-religious post in a while, but I need a rant.
My new slogan for the next two weeks is:
See, I see the bail out as the socialism of the financial sector and rewarding the CEOs and CFO of those institutions. Also, as it was Congress’ fault to begin with – they bail THEMSELVES out. We all know that Congress is corrupt, Bush is just trying not to suck for the next 3 weeks, and we’re going to have to sell drugs to finance our retirements.  But, we still blindly follow the two-party system. Why? We HAVE A CHOICE!!!
I’m sick of it. And we’re to blame -we continue to vote the “party line” and now, we’re against faced with the lesser of two evils for president.
We have to change somewhere and I’m changing by voting for NEITHER party candidate this year. I’m going to research the Libertarian candidate, or most likely, write in Ron Paul – the only politician that made ANY sense this year.
But, it only works if we all do it.  So, in two weeks, I imagine my slogan will be “Don’t blame me – I voted for REAL CHANGE (by voting for neither).”