The best special effect that wasn’t

Actors CGed as blue aliens defending their world.  A military computer going self aware and attacking mankind and making robots.  Hobbits treading to an active volcano to destroy an enchanted ring.  Alien robots that transform into vehicles and protect the Earth.

As an avid movie guy, the prowess of those that make all this happen give the illusion of normalcy to an event that we know to be fiction.  Exceptional special effects are now expected.  Directors and producers are raising the bar each year, and even old “classics” pale in comparison to the realism of the small screen today.

How does the resurrection of Jesus compare?  Percy Jackson gave us a picture of the underworld, but will the reality of Hell compare? Would the visuals of the angels at the tomb, the appearance of Jesus on the road to disciples, or the ascension of Jesus into Heaven be any better than Optimius declaring, “Autobots, roll out!”?

In this day of visual bombardment, I think we need to close our eyes and see through our spirit, and THEN the we will truly be amazed at the greatest special effect… that wasn’t an effect.  It’s was a special sacrifice.  Then our spirit will connect with He who died and rose again.  That’s, at the VERY least, worth an Oscar in technical achievement, or life?


Published by Michael

Hi - I'm a IT Consultant, happily married, and father of 3. My hobbies are building wood things, church activities, spending time with the family, driving and goofing off, not in any particular order.

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