Weekly Summary, 7/30/2011

This week was my first solo consulting gig. XenServer on Dell servers. Right in my “I’ve done that before” area… and babysat an error that’s plagued them for months with Citrix. Their answer was the smoking gun. Processor settings on new Intel processors. I got an A+++ on my efforts from the customer “the best …

What if it was here…

2:35pm I’m sitting at my desk in near the med center.  I feel the ground start to shake.  A security officer comes on the PA system announcing to get to a stairwell  and evacuate for an earthquake, even though the building is built for it.  I hear sirens in the med center signalling a serious …

Another side of the coin

I live in a Hispanic-majority city.  I know there are illegals in my city and the cities around me.  While I normally take offense to paying the healthcare and education of those that came here illegally, a recent story made me believe we need to rethink our illegal deportation policy.  Oh, and the Deer Park …