As a father of three, one of which is still a toddler, I’ve now gone thru this phase plenty. This morning, after some quality time in the bathroom (a result of the HOT hot wings from BW3 at lunch yesterday), I looked at the wipes container on my floor. While I have seen this plenty, even hated it at times (considering their main use), this thought occured to me:
“How much sorer would your butt be if not for wet wipes?”
Now, normal wipes are just as much of a pain as using them – you gotta put them in a secure location other than the quickly evacuating commode, else you will be toweling up the unmentionables that lurk in your bowels. Or, wishing that those Diaper Genies were were magical and *poof*ed away the ickly-laden wet towel. But today was a better day – I got more than 6 hrs of sleep, so it’s a new groggy with a little more brain function. My wife discovered some months back a new creation: Huggies “flushable wipes”. It’s a miracle of modern technology. Use em, and flush em, and bask in the goodness that your hand smells good and there’s no mess to seal up or to hide under the magazines in the trash.
Yes, thus was my epiphany this am, on the toily, looking at something other than an eWeek or Texas Monthly magazine. Flushable wipes.  There is a God, and He works for a diaper company.
You smelled your hand?