As the bike turns

I’ve come to an interesting realization – at least for me…. I’m middle-aged. Allow be to explain how I arrived at this conclusion.

  1. I can’t eat what I want and keep my weight down. It’s depressing for some I know, I hovered around 150 lbs for years, until I hit 31. I’m now around 160-165. As “light” as that may seem, it’s not my usual. And I can’t keep it off.
  2. I don’t think of sex every 10 seconds. Yeah, really. I always thought it was a farse. “Not think of sex?” I always asked myself. Bah. Now it’s hours before I think “I wonder if I did this, would she…”. Ok, fine, not hours, but I’m not saying anymore (taking what’s left of the 5th – but it’s not every minute either).
  3. I play Xbox with kids 1/2 my age. It’s odd how when I was 1/2 my dad’s age, I thought I accomplished something. Now, I play online with 16 and 17 year olds… and I listen to “I’m grounded” and “I’ve got homework”. Thank God the didn’t have the Internet when I was in school. I would have just dropped out, got my GED and stayed a home for years.
  4. My kids come to me with any question. I’ve gotten “Daddy knows” status in the house. Half my answers are “ask your mom.” The wife still just rolls her eyes.
  5. I drive a minvan. And race sports cars in it. “3.5 BABY!!!!!”
  6. I still think of ways to add performance to my 6 year old Toyota without having to sell a kid.
  7. I work <2 miles from the house and I wish I worked from home.
  8. I wonder why everyone’s in such a hurry.
  9. My patience lasts about 5 seconds.
  10. When I try to exert myself, I really have an argument on “Why?” with my inner self.

I think I realized this last night on the trainer. I did my 10 minute warm up with 2 1-minute sprints in there. It burned, but it was over quick. Then, a 5 minute sprint. OMG!!!

I gave out 4 mintues into it. And 3 minutes into cooldown, the DVD announced another. I used Sheli walking in as an excuse. Whew!!!

No truth be told, I was rather impressed that I wasn’t DIEING at the end of the 5 minute death-to-your-legs part. The premise is this: by warming up and sprinting early, you generate lactic acid. The easy periods, still using the legs are a breakdown cycle. I really didn’t know you broke down lactic acid that quickly. But, I had the oommfff to handle a 4 minute sprint before fading. I guess there’s something too all that.

Oh, and my jersey came from DENMARK.  Suddenly, I’m not all that happy to call…

Published by Michael

Hi - I'm a IT Consultant, happily married, and father of 3. My hobbies are building wood things, church activities, spending time with the family, driving and goofing off, not in any particular order.

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