Another how-to (not from the Home Depot)

OK, so I’m building a PC by request for someone in the family. I’ve assembled a Dual Core Pentium, 2.6Ghz, 1GB ram, 250 SATA HD and an LG DVD-everything burner — all in slick micro-ATX case. Total, about $365.

So, seeing as I’m the ever-geek – how fast does this thing GO??? So, I’m messing around with video editing. So the question of the day is…

How do I take a VOB file and make a simple movie (mpg) file? You might have a big hard drive (I know I DO – hehe) – and just clicking on a movie file is easier than looking for Ghostbusters 2 that the kids played two weeks ago at a friends house (cuz like everything’s slimy now cuz it was next to the unrated version of Superbad). Anyway, back to rippin a big one…

As an intro, VOB files are the files off of a DVD. Now, since commercial DVD are encrypted (*cough* poorly *cough*), and the DCMA makes it illegal to unencrypt them (*cough* FBI warning *cough*), I’ll just give you a hint in the name of Dee Vee Dee fab ach dee decrypter – but only for getting the VOB files off your custom made DVDs, now… (wink wink).

Ok, so you have VOB files on your HARD drive (bow chika wow wow – you know you heard that in your noggin) from the DVD your brother made of the last “baby session” (or you’re really hooked on Nine Months), next is a two step process for one main reason. The tools are FREE. (And so’s this guide, so show your resident geek some loving of the alcoholic kind, ya dig?)

Now to extract the elementary video (m2v) and audio (AC3 or mp2) from the VOB files, then recombine them into the glorious MPG file that so badly want to be (all because their father didn’t love them).

Step one – DGMPEGDec. Get it. Uncompress it. Run DGIndex. Open all the VOB files (File, Open, navigate to where dee vee dee blah blah save them, click on _1.VOB, SHIFT click on the last – then OK). DGDecode is all black (and it ain’t Obama). You choose File, Save Project and Demux Video and go have some tea. Really – it’s good for your pooper.

What you will get is the m2v and the ac3 or mp2 audio. They’re split like the trailer trash that thought her cousin was SOOOO cute. So you gotta MUX them together.

In comes ImagoMPEG-Muxer. Pick the video, pick the audio – and output to the mpg.

Poof. You have a video file. email me if ya got questions!

Links: DVDFab, DGMPEGDec, ImagoMPEG-Muxer.

Published by Michael

Hi - I'm a IT Consultant, happily married, and father of 3. My hobbies are building wood things, church activities, spending time with the family, driving and goofing off, not in any particular order.

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