So, Sunday, Mama Flether asks, “What happened to your notes?””‘ (she reads them via Facebook)? ZING!
So, here on Monday, I’m back into it. Reading I Thess 1, because 3 out of 10 Thessalonians can’t even spell it (oh, wait, that’s Pasadena.. DOH!)
Paul is writing to a church that seem to have it together, but was very proud in the past. Some points I gathered:
- Faith produces love – think on that one for a while, as it’s more than love of God.
- God show justice through our persecution
- make us worthy
- promises rest
- judgement will be poured on those who reject Him
So, some questions that we need to ask:
Are we worthy of the life Jesus called us to?
Do we have good intentions and faithful deeds?
Do we honor the name of God in our efforts?
What do we do to deserve so much favor?   (Nothing – God gives it through grace.)
Some good questions…