Well, after many months of hi-ate-us, I’ve starting my blog back up. Much of this is due in part to how much I enjoy reading them, so I’m going to try and show my humor and general disdain for all that is not-me.
I quit blogging months ago due to my own inadequacy that complete strangers from other countries new that I need a pill for making my pinky toe bigger while fungus-proofing the toenail and a loan (both of which I am categorily denying), and the fact that in comparion to the blogs I read, that I appeared to need both.
So, I start with a joke. Houston has a local radio guy that is run-off-the-fraking-road funny, Sam Malone. His 6yo called in and started this, and in completely mean and non-cool fashion, bleeped the punch line. So, I got even – I Google it.
A pirate walks in a bar with a large ship’s wheel attached to his zipper.
The bartender says to em, “Hey mate, that wheel bother you much?”
To which the pirate replied, “AAARRRGGHHH! It be drivin’ me nuts!”
Drive on, Jack Sparrow. Drive on.
Welcome back to blog life!!!
Pirate has a problem.