the A team

I’m no longer considering myself the true “alpha” geek in my group of misfists than roam the community in our boxers and shaving cream. One, my credit line can’t take the pressure. Two, my waistline can’t take the pressure. Simply, I haven’t really been able to afford the “lastest gadget”, so my lack of an HDTV shouldn’t be any different. Oh, I have a list, but wisdum is prevailing this Christmas (probably the fact that I can’t seem to flop down the cash for my taxes for my big honking abode – IT’S CHEAPER IN TEXAS!).

However, I came upon an important realization of my own geekdom… I know a fraking lot about HDTVs and home theatre. No just in general – this is real, hands down the pants, “gotta hold them like this” useful. Case in point: A good buddy of mine just scored one of the best 1080p’s on the planet (Sony KDS-55A2000). Yes folks, that’s 1080p… P!!! ok, go to the bathroom.. …and unit unseen, I guided him on how to hook it up. He actually did most of the up front stuff. I just confirmed with him on the wiring to his audio receiver and his components (geek pun there). All this in the confines of my head (with the grace of Sony’s PDFs onscreen).

Man, it’s good to be me.

There’s another reason why I gave this set a good shout without seeing anything – a little tidbit of juicyness that was spouted by my friend (not that kind of juicy spout, even it was late on the beach and we both had too much to drink that night). My concern with 1080p TVs is not how amazing they show HD content – that’s mashed potatoes. And it easy to make decent ones. It’s how REGULAR stuff (i.e., std video input) shows on a immensely large screen – that’s the porkchop, gravy, green beans, toast and huge glass of Pinot Grigio. It’s not an easy issue to overcome – it’s like making an awkward 6 year old with braces and one eye look like the prom queen (read: an easy thing for God despite His design in letting stupid ppl procreate). Like taking the photo you took of a buddy when he was asleep naked, blowing it up and putting it in your lawn only to find out it was a picture of you… it’s just icky to see content made to be “small” blown up (well, not always icky, depending on whom’s contents and which gender).

Anyways, my buddy, only having his DVR hooked up with STD video, whatched something on his new HDTV. This is how much I trust my faith in my buddy: he commented that he watched a recorded proggy and it was… ready?…. good. Now, he’s British-American – so, while they have propensity to shout adjectives from the top of the nearest overpass with really bad hair, in small company they just seem to smile and fart alot… with semi combed hair. So, when my buddy says it was good…. it was like the long road trip crusing 90 and the guy right behind you gets clocked. And ticketed for no seat belt. And arrested for being stupid and having children. Oh wait, that’s only in Red States. Anyway, it’s just good.

So, while he sees DVDs in their progrressive scan goodness and gets the HD Digital Sattelite going, I’m going to go frag something on my 360…after werk :(.

Published by Michael

Hi - I'm a IT Consultant, happily married, and father of 3. My hobbies are building wood things, church activities, spending time with the family, driving and goofing off, not in any particular order.

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