Renewal (rest)

After many, many months, I’ve started reading books that Jerry Hollman has recommended for me.  One, Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior, and the other, Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ.

The first, QSW, enhorts the differences in just being a soldier for Christ and a WARRIOR.  Having a love for “guy movies”, warriors are fierce, rugged and manly.  It is almost the opposite for spiritual warriors except for one thing: initiative.

The second, EDOJC, is a book from the 17th Century that was considered heresy.  It speaks in a tone meant for the pheasants, the non-elite, the commonfolk.  Strange how things haven’t changed much.  How much spiritual wisdom seems out of reach for the working class, the non-clergy?  I know of people that do.  Many times, we just ask “How do I get closer to God?”… and never find an answer.

I read a chapter in QSW this morning that a Warrior’s best weapon is rest – specifically resting in Christ, and it goes with the first two chapters for EDOJC – how to really pray.  Now, as a self-proclaimed ADD guy, rest isn’t easy for me.  Always thinking about something, schemeing a plan, wondering what’s next.  However, in a thread that sounds like it comes from theophostic ministry, Ms. Guyon maps the process in EDOJC to be still and know His is God.  In plain English, with a distinct lack of piety, we get a 400-year old lesson in listening to God.

It’s my path for the next few weeks – taking a passage, opening my heart to my spirit, and ignoring my mind’s dendency to “LOOK! Laptops on sale!” every 5 minutes.  I can wholehearted recommend the book based on the first chapters.  It is an amazing characterization of what we must do to experience Christ more.  Our spirit in tune with His, our minds and hearts slowly changed by the transformation of our spirit.

Join with me in this journey!

Published by Michael

Hi - I'm a IT Consultant, happily married, and father of 3. My hobbies are building wood things, church activities, spending time with the family, driving and goofing off, not in any particular order.

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